Saturday, February 14, 2009


Everyone, no matter how accomplished, successful, wealthy or powerful, has exactly 24 hours in each day. The difference between success and mediocrity is not in the time we get, but rather in what we do with that time.

This time tomorrow, you can be in just about the same place you are today. Or, you can be twenty four hours further along on the road to success. It all depends on how you spend those hours. They will pass, whether you do anything or not.

Right now is a moment filled with opportunity, because right now you can decide to make a difference. You can start right now, to fill the day ahead with positive effort and accomplishment. And tomorrow, when you look back, you'll be amazed at how far you've already come.


Pain is a lesson waiting to be learned. And by paying heed to the lesson, we can transcend the pain.

If you touch a hot iron, it is painful. If you neglect to learn anything from the experience, the pain keeps coming back each time you touch the hot iron. When you learn the lesson that the pain has to teach, and avoid touching the hot iron, you never have to endure that pain again.

What can you learn from the pain in your life? In every pain there is a lesson. Sometimes it's a lesson of avoiding mistakes. Other times it is a lesson of learning to accept, value and triumph over the challenges we face.

Have you learned that you can't get something for nothing, or is your pain still trying to teach you that? Have you learned to live with purpose and focus, or are you still enduring the pain of learning that lesson? Free yourself from pain, by learning what it has to teach.


What is difficult? What is easy? It's all a matter of perception and attitude.

Whatever job you must do, whatever task you must finish, approach it with a commitment to excellence. It usually takes only a little more effort than you'd spend anyway. When you're just doing a job, it can be tedious and difficult. Yet when you're creating excellence, even though the effort is greater, it doesn't seem so hard.

In fact, what often makes work so difficult is the reluctance to do it. When you approach your work as an opportunity to achieve excellence, it becomes more than just a job. No matter what the task, it becomes an opportunity to express yourself and to be your best.

The fact is, there is work that needs to be done. And you have a choice. You can view it as an irritation, and torment yourself while doing it. Or, you can look at it as an opportunity to achieve excellence, and feel the satisfaction of creating something valuable

Sunday, February 8, 2009


There's a simple, easy step you can take that will exert a positive, powerful influence in a variety of situations. That simple act is a genuine smile from the heart.

Smile, and not only does it improve your appearance, it improves all of you. Smile, and you cannot avoid being more positive toward life.

Smile as you speak, and your voice will be more confident, enthusiastic and convincing. Even when you're talking over the phone and the person at the other end can't see you, a smile adds noticeable value to the conversation.

Give a smile to others, and you instantly improve the quality of each encounter. Smile to yourself, and new positive possibilities come clearly into view.

A smile costs you nothing, and yet it can bring so very much. Take a look around, and you'll see that the most successful and fulfilled people are those who smile the most.

Even when you can't think of a reason to smile, smile anyway. Smile, and you'll surely create plenty of good reasons.

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Everything You Have

There is so very much available to you.

In reaching for your dreams, make use of everything you have.

Don't be dismayed or embarrassed by what you have to work with.

Instead, work with whatever you have and it will grow more useful and effective with each effort.

Don't place a judgment on your abilities before you even put them to use.

Go ahead, get to work, and see how quickly your skills increase.

Look back at the good things you've accomplished in the past.

That power of accomplishment is still with you, so choose now to put it to use again for even more exciting and compelling purposes.

Think of all the great ideas you've had but have never followed through on.

Now is when you can make the best of them come to life.

The challenges are great and yet the value that flows through your life is far greater.

Use everything you can, and you can accomplish anything you choose.

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

The True Happiness

What is the path to true happiness?

How far must you go to find happiness?

You need not go very far at all. For happiness is always inside you, ready whenever you are.No object, no person, no circumstance will make you happy. You are always happy when you decide to be.The good things in life do not cause happiness. It is precisely the other way around.Allow happiness to flow out from you, and the good things in life will surround you and fill your world. Choose to be happy, with no conditions imposed upon that happiness, and you'll create the ideal conditions for your life.

Happiness is a beautiful gift you can give yourself no matter what. Give it freely and it will change your world

An Introduction

Assalamualaikum wrt.. this blog is created for the purpose of compilating all good articles (Esp articles from Teacher Ayie~Principle of CLC/Pusat Bahasa TitianJaya KB) in one site..So, it will be easier for me/anyone to read them if i have some leisure times..On the other hand, it will prevent me from spending a great of time surfing internet in one time/day..